If your orthodontic issues are not severe, you might wonder if it’s worth getting orthodontic treatment. After all, who wants to undergo treatment for a couple years to sort out what might be considered minor issues?
That’s where Invisalign Lite comes in! It’s not a Invisalign Full where you’d need to wear anywhere between 20-40 aligners, but instead requires that only 10 to 14 sets of aligner be worn.
Invisalign Lite is ideal for people who have some crooked teeth, crowded teeth, teeth in an incorrect position and abnormal gaps.
Normal treatment with Invisalign Lite requires only 10 to 14 sets of aligners verses the more common Invisalign Full treatment, which uses 20 to 40 sets of aligners.
Each set of aligners is worn for anywhere between one to two weeks, so treatment duration with Invisalign Lite will be four to seven months.
Shorter treatment time also means lower cost, so you can correct your relatively minor orthodontic issues and not have to worry too much about your budget.
As with all other Invisalign products, the clear aligners are virtually invisible, so no one is likely to even notice that they’re wearing the aligners.